Intractable epilepsy. Drug-resistant epilepsy. Pharmacoresistant epilepsy. Regardless of the term used to describe it, the truth about this condition is that there are no effective traditional treatments for intractable epilepsy — and it affects between 20% and 40% of all patients with epilepsy.
For adults and children alike, intractable epilepsy manifests as seizures that can occur at any time, disrupting daily life and causing potential injuries. In children, however, intractable epilepsy is a detrimental condition responsible for as many as hundreds of seizures per day. These seizures may result in broken bones and head injuries, relegating pediatric epilepsy patients to spending their childhood in bed or being forced to wear a helmet, unable to play and interact normally with their peers. And not only does this debilitating disorder impede day-to-day life, but it can also be extremely damaging to a child’s mental development, impeding his ability to communicate, learn motor skills, and interact with the world around him. Some FDA-approved treatments for intractable epilepsy have such intense negative side-effects that they actually exacerbate this difficulty. Because of this, children with intractable epilepsy often fall far behind their peers in terms of age-appropriate development. This is truly a condition that affects every aspect of a child’s growth and well-being.
But while this form of epilepsy has long been considered untreatable, a new treatment for intractable epilepsy has emerged. CBD oil has been shown to possess anticonvulsant properties, and with a regular regimen of Noah’s ReLeaf, patients can begin to minimize seizure activity and regain the normalcy that epilepsy has taken from them.